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2025-03-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Numbers 14

TITLE: Trusting in Whose Power?
THEME: Trusting in our own strength is not only folly
but also leads to rebellion.
1. Israelites trusting in their own strength
2. Trusting in the power of God above

2025-03-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 25: 31-46

CATECHISM: Lord’s Day 19
TITLE: Jesus as Judge
THEME: Jesus has been given the authority to judge
between the living and the dead.
1. Jesus as Judge
2. How are the sheep and the goats judged?
3. Outworking of true faith
4. Comfort and warning

2025-03-02Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: HC Lord’s Day 45

TEXT: Ephesians 6: 10-20
THEME: Prayer Warriors

2025-03-02Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Mark 7: 1-23

TEXT: Mark 7: 14-23
THEME: What comes out of your heart?

2025-02-23Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Numbers 13

TITLE: Believing God’s Promises
THEME: Believe God at His Word.
1. Believing what they saw rather than what they
2. Blessed are those who believe who have not
3. Joy and peace in believing

2025-02-23Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Galatians 5: 16-18, 22-26; Colossians 3: 1-4

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 18
TITLE: Walking in the Spirit
THEME: Christ has sent the Holy Spirit to us that we
may seek Him.
1. With whom are we walking?
2. What is our destination?
3. Walking in and with the Holy Spirit

2025-02-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Numbers 11

TITLE: Coveting Kills
THEME: Our desire must be for the Lord.
1. Coveting leads to death
a. Coveting leads away from the Lord
b. Coveting kills joy
2. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus

2025-02-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 16
TITLE: The Gateway of Death
THEME: Christ died, and we die in order that we may
be brought into closer union with the living God.
1. Why did Christ have to die?
2. Why do we die?
3. What is the further benefit?

2025-02-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 27: 11-54

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 15
TITLE: Condemned in Our Place
THEME: We are declared innocent though guilty
because Christ was declared guilty while being innocent.
1. Suffering His whole life
2. Suffering under Pilate
3. Suffering on the cross

2025-02-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Revelation 7: 1-17

TEXT: Revelation 7: 14
TITLE: Washed with the Blood of the Lamb
THEME: The sealed of God are those who are washed
with the blood of the Lamb.

2025-01-26Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Lord’s Day 14

TEXT: Psalm 51
THEME: The new beginning we need in the conception
and birth of Jesus Christ.

2025-01-26Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: John 15: 1-17

TEXT: John 15: 9-17
THEME: Fruit that will last.

2025-01-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Numbers 10: 11-36

TITLE: The Leading of the Lord
THEME: The Lord is the One who leads His people
through the wilderness.
1. The Leading of the Lord
2. Evangelism along the way
3. Constant trust in God

2025-01-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Romans 8: 14-17, 29

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 13
TITLE: Our relationship with Christ
THEME: Christ is both our brother and our Lord.
1. Christ as our brother
2. Christ as our Lord

2025-01-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 116

TITLE: Take Up the Cup of Salvation
THEME: The heart of the Christian seeks from the Lord
more and more grace.
1. The God who listens
2. The God who delivers
3. The God who gives abounding grace

2025-01-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 3: 13-17

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 12
TITLE: Jesus, Our Anointed Savior
THEME: Jesus was anointed by the Father with the
Holy Spirit to be our Savior.
1. Jesus’ Baptism
2. Jesus’ anointing
3. Our anointing

2025-01-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 3: 1-12

TITLE: Are You Ready?
THEME: Are we ready for Christ to come again?
1. John the Baptist’s ministry
2. Repentance and Faith
3. Prepare the way

2025-01-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 105

TITLE: The Great Faithfulness of our God
THEME: Remember the constant faithfulness of
1. Remember the faithfulness of Yahweh to past
2. Remember the faithfulness of Yahweh to you

2024-12-29Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Matthew 4: 1-11

TEXT: Ephesians 6: 10-18
THEME: The Sword of the Spirit

2024-12-29Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11

TEXT: Ephesians 6: 10-18
THEME: The Helmet of Salvation

2024-12-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 2: 19-23

TITLE: Jesus, the Set Apart Savior
THEME: Jesus is the One that is set apart
to be the Savior

2024-12-22Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 2: 1-20

TEXT: Luke 2: 14
TITLE: Gloria in excelsis Deo
THEME: When we hear the Gospel, worship is the only
proper response.
1. The angel’s message
2. The angels’ song
3. The shepherds’ response

2024-12-22Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 2: 13-18

TITLE: Out of Egypt
THEME: Christ leads us out of slavery.
1. The dragon
2. The Mediator
3. The darkness before the dawn

2024-12-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 1: 21; Mark 8: 34-38; John 19: 28-30

Catechism: Lord’s Day 11
TITLE: Salvation From Our Biggest Problem
THEME: We need a Savior from our sin.
1. Our biggest problem
2. What can you do about it?
3. Believe upon the Lord Jesus

2024-12-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 2: 1-12

TITLE: Worship the King
THEME: Christ is worthy of all of our praise and

2024-12-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 1: 18-25

TITLE: Call Him Jesus
THEME: Jesus came to save us from our sins and
reconcile us to God.
1. Joseph, wonders what to do?
2. The angel’s message
3. The prophecy fulfilled

2024-12-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 2: 1-7, 39-52; 3: 21-22

TITLE: God the Son became man
THEME: Jesus became one of us in order to save us.
1. Jesus became like us in every way, except
without sin
2. Jesus lived a perfect life for us
3. Jesus is not ashamed to call us brethren

2024-12-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 1: 1-17

TITLE: The Line of Christ
THEME: Seeing the culmination of God’s perfect plan in
the Gospel of Jesus.

2024-12-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 12: 13-34

CATECHISM: Lord’s Day 10
TITLE: Do Not Fear, Little Flock
THEME: Knowing the providential care of our
Heavenly Father gives us joy and peace.
1. What are you seeking?
2. Comfort and joy

2024-11-24Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 104

CATECHISM: Lord’s Day 9
TITLE: He is Able and Willing
THEME: We can trust our Heavenly Father to care for
us because He is willing and able.
1. He is able
2. He is willing
3. He is faithful

2024-11-24Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 2: 36-39

TEXT: Acts 2: 39
TITLE: The Promise Given
THEME: No matter what stage of life we are in,
we are loved.

2024-11-17Elder Deddens
Passage: 2 Corinthians 12: 1-10

TITLE: Sufficient Grace
THEME: My Grace is Sufficient for you.
(Sermon prepared by Pastor Bradd Nymeyer of First
URC in Chino, CA)

2024-11-17Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 48

TITLE: Christ beautifies His Bride
THEME: The church is holy and beautiful only because
Christ has made it so.
1. Zion is beautiful in security
2. Zion is beautiful in being loved
3. Zion is beautiful in wealth and strength

2024-11-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 4: 1-11

TITLE: Understanding Grace (Part 2)
THEME: A lesson in the Sovereign Grace of God.
1. Jonah’s anger at the Ninevites
2. Jonah’s anger at God
3. God does whatever He pleases
4. What is our real concern?

2024-11-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 2 Corinthians 13: 14

CATECHISM: Lord’s Day 8
TITLE: Fellowship with the Triune God
THEME: The communion that we enjoy with each
Person of the Trinity.
1. The Father
2. The Son
3. The Holy Spirit

2024-11-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 86

CATECHISM: Lord’s Day 7
TITLE: God’s Salvation is for Me
THEME: True faith believes that all the promises of God
are for them personally.
1. Believes, trusts, hopes
2. Embracing God and His promises

2024-11-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 110

CATECHISM: Lord’s Day 6
TITLE: Christ: The Anticipated Savior of all the Ages
THEME: Since the Fall Christ alone has been the
anticipated and promised Savior.
1. The Priest-King Promised
2. The Priest-King Came

2024-10-27Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 13: 1-11; 14: 1-20

TEXT: Leviticus 13, 14
TITLE: The Unclean Cleansed
THEME: We who are unclean in our sin are cleansed by
the sacrifice of Christ.

2024-10-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 3: 1-4: 5

TEXT: Jonah 4: 1-5
TITLE: Understanding Grace
THEME: Understanding the Grace of God.
1. Misunderstanding Grace Again
2. The Grace of the Lord

2024-10-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 49

Catechism: Lord’s Day 5
TITLE: What Kind of Deliverer Should We Look
THEME: Wisdom would dictate that we must look up to
God for salvation and not search for it here below.
1. Sinking sand
2. Christ our Solid Rock

2024-10-13Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Philippians 4:4-7

TEXT: Philippians 4: 6
TITLE: Thankfulness in all of Life
THEME: In order to rejoice in the Lord and have peace
we must be thankful.
1. The struggle of being thankful
2. The cause of being thankful
3. The blessing of being thankful

2024-10-13Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 5

Catechism: Lord’s Day 4
TITLE: The Justice and Mercy of God
THEME: God is perfectly just to send sinners to hell and
to give mercy to those for whom Christ died.
1. The Justice of God
2. The Mercy of God
3. The joy of God’s people

2024-10-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 14

Catechism: Lord’s Day 2
TITLE: No One is Righteous
THEME: All have fallen short of God’s standard but
salvation will come out of Zion.
1. All have sinned
2. Salvation will come out of Zion

2024-10-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 51

Catechism: Lord’s Day 3
TITLE: The Effects of Original Sin
THEME: We are all conceived in a fallen condition and
thus our entire person needs to be redeemed.
1. Sin, whose fault is it anyway?
2. The sinful condition we are born into
3. The redemption that Christ supplies

2024-09-29Rev. Mark VanderPol
Passage: 2 Peter 2:1-10a

TEXT: 2 Peter 2:4-10a
TITLE: Who Are You Trusting?
THEME: Resting in God’s perfect plan, knowing that it
will all come to pass, despite what scoffers say.
1. God’s Past Destruction
2. God’s Past Deliverance
3. God’s Present Deliverance

2024-09-29Rev. Mark VanderPol
Passage: 1 John 4:1-6

TITLE: By this We Know
THEME: In this present evil age not every teacher will
be faithful, we need to test everything according to the
Word of God.
1. The Problem
2. The First Test
3. The Second Test
4. The Final Result

2024-09-22Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 3

TEXT: Jonah 3: 5-10
TITLE: A Compassionate God
THEME: Humble yourself before the Lord and He will
be compassionate.
1. True Humility and Repentance
2. The Compassionate character of God

2024-09-22Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 90

CATECHISM: Lord’s Day 1
TITLE: Living and Dying with Comfort
THEME: In order to live and die with comfort we must
know the God of all comfort.
1. Sin
2. Salvation
3. Service

2024-09-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 12

TITLE: Removal of Sin and its Curse
THEME: Christ’s sacrifice removes from us sin and its

2024-09-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 25-28

TITLE: A Plea for Prayer and Final Blessing
THEME: We must be prayerful that all would come to
know the grace of Christ Jesus.
1. Pray for the ministry of the gospel
2. Greet everyone with a holy kiss
3. The grace of Christ Jesus

2024-09-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 3: 1-5

TITLE: The Most Riveting Sermon
THEME: Jonah is reinstated as prophet and preaches
God’s Word.
1. Jonah’s reinstatement and mission (verses 1-2)
2. Preaching and revival (verses 3-5)
3. Jonah’s Sermon (verse 4)

2024-09-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 23, 24

TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5: 24
TITLE: Our Faithful God
THEME: The security of our souls rests solely on the
covenant faithfulness of God.
1. The need for faithfulness
2. The faithfulness of our God
3. The assurance that is ours

2024-09-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 23

TITLE: The God of Peace and Sanctification
THEME: Our God is the Provider of peace, our
Sanctifier, and our Preserver.
1. God of Peace
2. Sanctifier
3. Preserver

2024-09-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 1: 17-2: 10

TEXT: Jonah 2: 1-10
TITLE: Jonah’s cry from the depths
THEME: Jonah’s song of praise.
1. A cry from the depths
2. Salvation comes from the Lord alone

2024-08-25Elder Deddens

SCRIPTURE Readings & Text (during sermon)
Romans 1: 18-32
Romans 2: 1-6
Romans 2: 6-11
Let’s take a walk through the crack alley of the human

2024-08-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 12-22

TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5: 19-22
TITLE: The Horizontal depends on the Vertical
THEME: In order to walk in harmony as a church we
must walk humbly with our God.
1. God’s will for you
2. Vertical
3. Horizontal

2024-08-18Rev. James Roosma

Old Testament Reading: Jonah 1: 1-17
New Testament Reading: Matthew 12: 38-41
Scripture TEXT: Jonah 1: 17; Matthew 12: 38-41
TITLE: The Sign of Jonah
THEME: Jonah as a type and shadow, foreshadows
Christ’s death.
1. The movements from death to life
2. Jonah as a type and sign
3. Christ as the fulfillment of the sign of Jonah

2024-08-18Rev. James Roosma

Genesis 6: 5-8; 7: 7-24
TITLE: Passing through Judgment
THEME: Christ causes us to pass through judgment.

2024-08-11Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 1: 1-16

TEXT: Jonah 1: 11-16
TITLE: The crooked arrow accomplishing

God’s saving purposes

THEME: Through God’s punishment of Jonah,

sailors are saved.
1. Jonah understanding his punishment
(verses 11-12)

2. The Lord is unrelenting in His discipline despite
Jonah’s stubborn disobedience (verse 13)
3. The scapegoat (verse 15)
4. Through the Lord’s discipline pagans are
converted (verses14-16)

2024-08-11Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 27: 8; Matthew 11: 28-30; Luke 9: 23-27; Rev

TITLE: Come!
THEME: Christ calls us to come to the Triune God.
1. The God who calls us back
2. The way that God calls us back
3. The life of profession
4. Join in the cry

2024-08-04Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 1: 1-10

TEXT: Jonah 1: 5-10
TITLE: Jonah’s sin exposed
THEME: Jonah’s sin is revealed and the sailors learn to
fear the Lord.
1. The world does not know how to pray (verse 5)
2. Jonah’s trust in the Almighty God (verse 6)
3. Fearing the LORD (verse 7-10)

2024-08-04Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-22

TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
TITLE: A Rejoicing, Prayerful and Thankful People
THEME: All saints are to be characterized by joy,
prayer and thankfulness.
1. A rejoicing church
2. A praying church
3. A thankful church

2024-07-28Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 1: 3-4

TITLE: Jonah’s failed escape
THEME: The Lord goes after and disciplines Jonah.
1. Jonah flees in disobedience
2. The Lord goes after Jonah
3. The Lord disciplines His children

2024-07-28Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 14, 15

TITLE: Motivated by Love
THEME: God’s covenantal love must be what animates
our relationships.
1. Love
2. Patience
3. Goodness

2024-07-21Rev. Vander Horst
Passage: 1 Peter 4: 1-11

TEXT: Hebrews 12: 1-3
TITLE: Run Your Race with Endurance!
This involves:
1. Finding your rhythm
2. Forsaking your sin
3. Focusing on your Saviour

2024-07-21Rev. Vander Horst
Passage: Numbers 25: 1-3; Deuteronomy 6: 1-5

TEXT: 1 Corinthians 8
TITLE: The Right Use of Rights

2024-07-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 1: 1-3

TITLE: Running from the Lord
THEME: Jonah’s hatred of Nineveh drives him from the
face of God.
1. Jonah flees from his calling
2. Jonah flees from the face of God
3. Christ accepts His calling

2024-07-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 12, 13

TITLE: Healthy Relationships between
Leaders and the People

THEME: Understanding the necessity of the gospel
necessarily shapes relationships.
1. The responsibility of church leaders
2. The responsibility of church members
3. Living in peace

2024-07-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Jonah 1: 1-3

TITLE: God’s desire to give grace
THEME: Jonah’s misunderstanding of the grace of God
1. Introduction to Jonah
2. God’s grace given to Israel
3. God’s grace given in Christ

2024-07-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 9-11

TITLE: Keeping the Gospel Central
THEME: We are to comfort and encourage one another
with the gospel of Jesus.
1. Humble pie
2. Gospel Truths
3. Comforting and edifying

2024-06-30Emeritus Rev. Andrew Pol
Passage: Psalm 145

TEXT: The Word of God as summarized in
Lord’s Day 48 of the Heidelberg Catechism:
1. Our lives.
2. The church.
3. The world.

2024-06-30Emeritus Rev. Andrew Pol
Passage: Proverbs 31: 10-31

TEXT: Proverbs 31: 30-31
1. The source of her strength.
2. The activities of her life.

2024-06-23Emeritus Rev. Andrew Pol
Passage: Psalm 148

Confessions: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 10

1. His fatherly hand.
2. His faithfulness.

2024-06-23Emeritus Rev. Andrew Pol
Passage: Proverbs 1: 1-19

TEXT: Proverbs 3: 5-6
1. What he asks of us.
2. What he warns us about.
3. What he promises.

2024-06-16Emeritus Rev. Andrew Pol
Passage: Matthew 7: 13-29

Confessions: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 7
1. Why believe?
2. What believing involves.
3. What to believe.

2024-06-16Emeritus Rev. Andrew Pol
Passage: Deuteronomy 6: 1-9; Proverbs 1: 1-9

TEXT: Proverbs 1: 8-9
1. The importance of this instruction.
2. The beauty of this instruction.

2024-06-09Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Joshua 7; John 10: 1-21

TEXT: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 42
THEME: The truth is, it all belongs to God and should
be used for the good of our neighbours.
1. The many who failed to recognize this truth
2. The One who always recognized this truth
3. Those who now recognize this truth too

2024-06-09Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Ecclesiastes 1: 1-11; 3: 1-15

TEXT: Ecclesiastes 3: 9 -15
God who is Christ:
1. Has redeemed our life from all vanity
2. So that it may bear fruit for Him

2024-06-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 21: 24, 25

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 6
TITLE: The Whole World Cannot Contain
THEME: All that Christ is, did, and taught is far beyond
what this world could contain.
1. John’s testimony is true
2. The world cannot contain

2024-06-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 8

TITLE: Ready for the War?
THEME: As Christians we are in a spiritual war and
must use that armor of God.
1. Soldier of the light
2. Breastplate of faith and love
3. Helmet of the hope of salvation

2024-05-26Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 21: 18-23

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 49
TITLE: Follow Me
THEME: In all of life we are called to follow Jesus.
1. Jesus’ prophecy
2. Peter’s concerns
3. Jesus’ command

2024-05-26Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11

TITLE: The Day of the Lord
THEME: The Day of the Lord is for us a day of comfort
because we are always with Christ.
1. Misunderstanding
2. Understanding
3. Comforting

2024-05-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 23: 15-22

TITLE: The Feast of Weeks
THEME: Since Christ has come all the blessings of
salvation launches to all nations.
1. The application of blessing
2. The blessings go out to all the nations

2024-05-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 2: 1-13

TEXT: Psalm 110
TITLE: The Ascended Priest-King is Sending Forth His Word
THEME: Christ speaks in saving power through His
servants as the victorious King and perfect Mediator.
1. Christ as King
2. Christ as Priest
3. Christ as Prophet

2024-05-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 19: 25-27

TITLE: Jesus’ love for His Mother
THEME: Jesus’ love is radical and transformative.
1. Sin against mothers
2. Salvation from our sin against our mothers
3. Service to our mothers in love

2024-05-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 6: 1-15; 7: 51-60

TITLE: The Blessing of Deacons
THEME: Christ gave deacons to the church in order to
help the church in its mission.
1. Deacons as helpers
2. Deacons as evangelists
3. Deacons encouraged

2024-05-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 21: 15-17

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 23
TITLE: The Gospel of Full Assurance
THEME: Jesus exposes the sin and guilt in order to
assure of complete forgiveness and restoration.
1. Why the three questions?
2. What Jesus is doing to Peter

2024-05-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18

TITLE: The Comforting Parousia
THEME: Christ is coming again and that is to our
ultimate joy and comfort, for we shall always be with
1. Hope in mourning
2. Hope of Christ’s coming
3. Hope of our going

2024-04-28Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 19

TEXT: Ephesians 2: 1-10
THEME: Seated with Christ

2024-04-28Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Luke 5: 27-32

TEXT: Luke 7: 36-50
THEME: Do you see this woman?

2024-04-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 21: 1-14

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 13
TITLE: Jesus is Lord!
THEME: Jesus is to be Lord of all our life.
1. Nothing caught
2. Abundance caught
3. Call Him Lord

2024-04-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4: 9-12

TITLE: Too Heavenly Minded?
THEME: While we earnestly wait for our Lord Jesus’
return, we are not to be lazy.
1. So heavenly minded of no earthly good
2. Mind your own business
3. Brotherly love

2024-04-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 20: 24-31

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 7
TITLE: Doubting Thomas has a
Compassionate Savior

THEME: Though we doubt, Christ compassionately
strengthens our faith.
1. Thomas misses out
2. Jesus compassionately comes
3. Why don’t we see Jesus now?

2024-04-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-8

TITLE: Called to Holiness
THEME: We are to love and seek to please God.
1. Abstaining from sexual immorality
2. Called to holiness
3. Forgiveness found in Jesus

2024-04-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 20: 19-23

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 23
TITLE: Peace be with You
THEME: Christ gives us His peace that we may be
forgiven and equipped to fulfill His calling upon our lives.
1. The guilt of the disciples
2. The peace of Jesus
3. The Spirit of Jesus

2024-04-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 3: 11-13

TITLE: Abounding in Love
THEME: Growing in love for one another must be fed
by God in Christ and motivated by a love for Him.
1. Love goes down
2. Love goes out
3. Love goes up

2024-03-31Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Colossians 3: 1- 4

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 17
TITLE: The surety of our Hope
THEME: Since Christ has risen from the dead we have a
sure hope for the future.
1. Being in Christ
2. Setting our minds on things above

2024-03-31Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 20: 1- 18

TITLE: Our Great Gardener
THEME: Christ in His resurrection has made us to
dwell in the beautiful garden of God that He has made for
1. Turning sadness into rejoicing
2. Turning despair into hope
3. Turning corruption into glory

2024-03-29Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 19: 17-42

TITLE: From the Old Garden to the New Garden
THEME: Christ died for the curse of the old garden that we would enjoy the
blessing of the new garden.
1. Jesus’ cursed death
2. Like a seed planted

2024-03-24Mr. John Moesker
Passage: 1 Corinthians 1: 18-2: 5

TEXT: 2 Corinthians 10: 1-6
Those serving in God’s army wage war in God’s way.
1. Appeal
2. Artillery
3. Aim

2024-03-24Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Genesis 2: 15-17; John 19: 28-30; Philippians 1:

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 16
(focus on the first 3 Q & A)
What the Bible says about death.
1. The death of all people.
2. The death of Christ.
3. The death of the Christian.

2024-03-17Elder Deddens
Passage: Matthew 22: 1-14

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 23
TITLE: Nevertheless…
1. Despite My Sin
2. By His Grace
3. Through My Faith

2024-03-17Elder Deddens
Passage: Genesis 5

TITLE: What’s my Identity?
THEME: God Knows You by Name
1. Our Days Are Written in God’s Book
2. The Faithfulness and Patience of God
3. The Necessity of Saving Faith in Christ Alone

2024-03-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 18: 12-27

Westminster Larger Catechism: Q & A 79- 81
TITLE: Weak Faith is still Faith
THEME: Peter was for a moment faithless but our
Saviour was faithful.
1. Peter’s first denial
2. Peter’s second denial
3. Peter’s third denial

2024-03-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 18: 1-12

TITLE: Taken from the Garden
THEME: Jesus willingly left the garden so that we could
1. I AM HE
2. Jesus went willingly
3. Jesus left the garden

2024-03-03Rev. Bernard Westerveld
Passage: Revelation 5: 11-14

TITLE: The Scriptural Witness on the Trinity
1. The testimonies of Holy Scripture
2. The effects of the persons, especially from those
we feel within ourselves

2024-03-03Rev. Bernard Westerveld
Passage: 1 Samuel 3: 1-10, 19-21; 1 Timothy 3: 1-7

TEXT: 1 Timothy 3: 1
TITLE: Eagerly Desiring the Noble Task of Overseer
1. Overseer
2. Noble Task
3. Eagerly Desire

2024-02-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 17

Heidelberg Catechism: Q. and A. 31, 49
TITLE: Jesus’ Prayer for You
THEME: Jesus the Giver of grace is gracious in His
1. Giver of eternal life
2. Revealer of eternal life
3. Intercessor of eternal life
a. Keeping
b. Sanctifying
c. Unifying

2024-02-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 3: 6-10

TITLE: Living together in the Lord
THEME: Since we are in Christ, we by necessity dwell
1. Paul is encouraged
2. Living together
3. Praying most earnestly

2024-02-18Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 16: 29-33

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 19
TITLE: Christ Has Overcome
THEME: Because Christ has overcome the world, we can be
of good cheer.
1. Christ overcoming
2. Be of good cheer

2024-02-18Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 3: 1-5

TITLE: Establish and Encourage You in the Faith
TITLE: We are called as God’s people to establish and
encourage our brothers and sisters in their faith.
1. Love for the church of Christ
2. Establishing and encouraging
3. The urgency and necessity of this care

2024-02-11Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Job 38: 1-41; Job 42: 1-6

TEXT: Lord’s Day 9
TITLE: We believe in the gospel of God our Creator:
1. His glorious works
2. Our humble position
3. Our sure confidence

2024-02-11Mr. John Moesker
Passage: John 2: 1-11

TEXT: John 2: 11a
TITLE: The first of Jesus’ signs.
1. What the sign means.
2. What Jesus did.
3. What this means for us today.

2024-02-04Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 11: 1-23; 39-47

TEXT: Leviticus 11
TITLE: Be Holy for the Lord is Holy
THEME: As God’s redeemed people we are to live holy
1. Food laws
2. Redemption
3. Holiness

2024-02-04Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2: 17-20

TITLE: Crown of Rejoicing
THEME: The crown of our rejoicing is the salvation
provided in Christ to His people.
1. Loving the Brethren
2. The devil’s work
3. Rejoicing in Christ’s saving work

2024-01-28Rev. Iwan Borst

HC Lord’s Day 9
TEXT: John 14: 15-30
THEME: I believe in God the loving Father

2024-01-28Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: 2 Peter 1: 1-11

TEXT: 2 Peter 3: 14-18
THEME: God’s call to grow

2024-01-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 16: 12-28

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 15 and Q & A 52
TITLE: Hopeful Joy
THEME: We have a sure hope for the future that we
will be in the joyful presence of Jesus.
1. Assured of the Word
2. Assured of the joy
a) In the communion
b) Of the cross
c) Second coming

2024-01-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2: 13-16

TITLE: Receiving the Word of God
THEME: We are to receive the Word of God as what it
1. Paul rejoices
2. Thessalonians received
3. The church resolved

2024-01-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 16: 1-11

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 19 and 20
TITLE: The Promised Work of the Holy Spirit
THEME: Christ has sent to us the Holy Spirit to help
and comfort us.
1. The Holy Spirit as Comforter in persecution
2. The Holy Spirit as Convicter
3. The Holy Spirit as Revealer of Christ
4. The Holy Spirit as Messenger of victory

2024-01-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2: 9-12

TITLE: The Gospel lovingly preached and lived out
THEME: The gospel must be lovingly preached and
lived out by the whole church.
1. Loving relationship
2. Loving works
3. Loving words

2024-01-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-8

TITLE: Sharing the Gospel with gentle love
THEME: The gospel of God’s love is to be shared with
1. Paul’s attackers
2. Paul’s love
3. God’s love

2024-01-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Philippians 3: 1-16

TEXT: Philippians 3: 7-14
TITLE: Laying Hold of Christ
THEME: The focus of Christian is singular, it is Christ.
1. Knowledge of Christ
2. Found in Christ
3. Laying hold of Christ

2023-12-31Rev. Iwan Borst

TEXT: Philippians 2: 1-11
THEME: The humility and greatness of our Saviour in
the incarnation.

2023-12-31Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 12-24

TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
THEME: How to be thankful with joy and prayer.

2023-12-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Corinthians 13: 13

TITLE: The Greatest of These
THEME: Faith, hope, and love are eternal gifts to us
from God, but love is the greatest.
1. Faith and Hope
2. The greatness of love

2023-12-24Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Corinthians 13: 12

TITLE: Then Face to Face
THEME: We shall see and know God
1. Seeing Jesus as our God
2. Seeing Jesus as our Friend and Elder Brother

2023-12-24Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Corinthians 13: 7-11

TITLE: Love Never Fails
THEME: We are to put away childish things and see in
Christ the love of God.
1. The gifts will cease the love will last
2. Putting away childish things

2023-12-17Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Corinthians 13: 7

TITLE: Lovingly Hoping for Christ’s Return
THEME: As we grow in our love for God we should
grow in our anticipation of Christ’s return.
1. Loving Christ
2. Hoping in Christ

2023-12-17Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Corinthians 13: 6, 7

TITLE: Glory to Jesus the Loving Savior (part 2)
THEME: Jesus is love and displays that love for us.
1. Love rejoices
2. Love bears
3. Love believes
4. Love hopes
5. Love endures

2023-12-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 15: 18-27

TITLE: Opposition
THEME: The persecution that we face is because we
are Christ’s.
1. Darkness hates light
2. Comfort in the Holy Spirit

2023-12-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Corinthians 13: 4, 5

TITLE: Glory to Jesus the Loving Savior
THEME: Jesus is love and displays that love for us.
1. Love is long-suffering
2. Love is kind
3. Love does not envy
4. Love is not prideful
5. Love is selfless

2023-12-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1: 6-10

TITLE: Jesus Changes Everything
THEME: The gospel of Jesus changes everything.
1. Joy of the Holy Spirit in affliction
2. Sounding Forth
3. Faith, love, and hope

2023-12-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3

TITLE: Love Came Down
THEME: Jesus came down because He is love and has
love for us.
1. Though I speak with the tongues of men and
2. Though I have the gift of prophecy
3. Though I give all I have to the poor

2023-11-26Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Acts 20: 22-38

TEXT: Acts 21: 1-6
THEME: Praying together

2023-11-26Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Isaiah 40: 12 - 31

TEXT: Isaiah 40: 27 - 31
THEME: Discipling: full of wonder for our God

2023-11-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 15: 9-17

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 1
TITLE: Abiding in the love of Christ
THEME: We are to abide in the love of Christ and love
Him by loving one another.
1. Abiding in the love of Christ
a. Obedience (verse 10)
b. Joy (verse 11)
c. Cross (verse 13)
d. Election (verse 16)
2. Bearing much fruit by loving one another
a. Loving each other as Christ has loved us
b. Laying down our lives for each other
c. Loving each other as elect (covenanted with)
d. If we are to abide

2023-11-19Emeritus Rev. Andrew Pol
Passage: Ephesians 6: 1-4

TEXT: Ephesians 6: 1-4
THEME: Acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord in how you
interact with each other at home!
1. How children should do this
2. How fathers should do this

2023-11-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 14: 25-31

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 20
TITLE: The Paraclete of Peace
THEME: The Holy Spirit is sent to us to give the peace
that Christ has obtained for us.
1. The Paraclete
2. The peace of Christ
3. Do not be troubled or afraid

2023-11-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1: 2- 4

TITLE: Praying with Thanksgiving for the Church
THEME: Let us give thanks to the Lord for Christ’s
work in His church.
1. Faith, love and hope
2. Election
3. Praying with thanksgiving for the saints

2023-10-29Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 14: 22-24

Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A 94 and 95
TITLE: Home Sweet Home
THEME: We experience the blessings of living in the
Father’s house by obeying Him.
1. Christ manifested to us
2. Keeping the Father’s commands
3. Home

2023-10-29Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 2 Timothy 1: 1-12

TEXT: 2 Timothy 1: 7-12
TITLE: Assurance in Grace
THEME: Christ assures us of His saving power, love and
1. Delivered from a spirit of fear
2. We are given power, love and a sound mind
3. Do not be ashamed

2023-10-22Rev. Iwan Borst

Reading: Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 5
TEXT: Hebrews 10: 1-25
THEME: Seeking atonement

2023-10-22Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Matthew 10: 24-42

TEXT: Matthew 28: 16-20
THEME: Discipling: we are disciples

2023-10-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 14: 19-21

Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A 75 and 76
TITLE: Communion with God
THEME: We see Christ and experience the love of
Christ because we are in Him and He in us.
1. Living eyes of faith
2. Assurance of faith
3. Experiential faith

2023-10-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 17: 1-9

TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 1: 1
TITLE: In and From
THEME: We are in the Father and the Lord Jesus and
are given grace and peace from our God.

1. Background
2. In the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
3. Grace and Peace from the Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ

2023-10-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 14: 15-18

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 20
TITLE: Our Triune God Dwells with us
THEME: Jesus teaches us the nature of relationships
and the surety of His promises.
1. If you love Me, keep My commandments
2. Another Helper
3. I will come to you

2023-10-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 2 Corinthians 4

TEXT: 2 Corinthians 4: 13- 15
TITLE: The Gospel Received and Believed
Produces Abundant Thanksgiving.

THEME: As we hear the Gospel it should produce in us
abundant thanksgiving to our God.
1. Same spirit of faith
2. Believing and speaking
3. Thanksgiving to abound

2023-10-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 14: 8-14

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 8 and 45
TITLE: Understanding God Informs our Prayers
THEME: Knowing that our God is triune helps us to
1. If we know the Son we know the Father
2. If we know the desires of the Son we will know
what to pray for

2023-10-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 40

TITLE: The Glorious Presence of God is in our Midst
THEME: The ultimate goal of our salvation is to dwell
in loving communion with Yahweh.

1. The glory cloud
2. The LORD fills the Tabernacle
3. Our Triune God dwelling among us and in us

2023-09-24Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 14: 1-7

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 17 and 22
TITLE: Mansions of Glory
THEME: Christ goes before us into heaven to prepare a
place for us there.
1. Christ’s going and preparing
2. The assurance that gives
3. Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life

2023-09-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 10: 8 - 20

TITLE: Holy Joy
THEME: We are to have a holy joy in the sin offering of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
1. Holiness
2. Sadness
3. Joyfulness

2023-09-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 35: 1 - 36: 1

TITLE: Worship is a Church-wide Enterprise
THEME: We are all to work together to worship our

1. Resting together
2. Serving together
3. Worshiping together

2023-09-03Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Exodus 30: 22 - 33; 2 Corinthians 2: 14 - 16

TEXT: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 12
THEME: Put on the Fragrance of Christ. We do that:

1. As prophet;
2. As priest;
3. As king.

2023-09-03Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Luke 2: 41 - 52

TEXT: Daniel 1
THEME: God’s gifts of:
1. Chastisement
2. Conviction
3. Compassion
4. Cultivation


2023-08-27Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Galatians 5: 16 - 26; Ephesians 6: 10 - 20

TEXT: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 11
THEME: The gospel promises that Jesus is my only and
complete Saviour.


2023-08-27Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Romans 1

TEXT: Romans 1: 16 - 20
TITLE: Our Salvation

1. The righteousness of God
2. The wrath of God

2023-08-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: TEXT: John 13: 21 - 38

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 40
TITLE: Let Us Love One Another
THEME: We are to love one another just as Christ has
loved us.
1. Understanding Christ’s love for us
2. How we are supposed to love each other

2023-08-13Deacon Reaves
Passage: John 9: 1 - 41

TITLE: Open Eyes, Open Hearts
THEME: To See Christ and Follow Him
1. The opening of eyes
2. The opening of hearts

2023-08-13Elder Deddens
Passage: Deuteronomy 32: 3 - 20 Philippians 2: 14 - 16

TITLE: God calls us to shine
THEME: God calls us to shine like stars in this world.

1. God makes us stars
2. God makes us shine

2023-08-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: TEXT: John 13: 1- 20

Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 44
TITLE: Are Your Feet Washed?
THEME: We must be served by Christ first in order to
serve others.
1. Jesus’ washes feet
2. We are to wash each other’s feet

2023-08-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: TEXT: Exodus 34: 29- 35

TITLE: Reflecting the Glory of God
THEME: Having seen the glory of God in the face of Jesus,
our faces should be radiant.
1. Seeing the glory of God
2. Reflecting God’s glory

2023-07-30Rev. Iwan Borst

Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 50
TEXT: James 1: 1- 18
THEME: Confidence, perspective, and humility in the
fourth petition.

2023-07-30Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Ephesians 5: 15- 6: 4

TEXT: Ephesians 5: 21
THEME: Filled by the Spirit to submit to one another.

2023-07-23Rev. James Roosma
Passage: SCRIPTURE READING: John 12: 20- 50

TEXT: John 12: 34- 50
Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A 86, 88- 90
TITLE: Seeing but not Believing
THEME: Unless the Holy Spirit works in regenerating
the heart, no one can believe in Jesus.
1. Blind to Jesus
2. Jesus’ first coming as the Light
3. Pray for awakening

2023-07-23Rev. James Roosma
Passage: TEXT: Exodus 34: 1- 28

TITLE: Yahweh is Covenantally Faithful
THEME: The Lord is covenantally faithful even when
we are faithless.
1. God’s covenantal faithfulness
2. The beauty of the Covenant of Grace
3. The compassion of our Savior

2023-07-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 12: 12- 19

Heidelberg Catechism: Q&A 52
TITLE: Confidence of Victory
THEME: Since Christ precisely fulfills prophecy in His
first coming, we are assured the same will happen at His
1. Prophecy fulfilled
2. Hope for the future
3. Victory is secure

2023-07-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 33

TITLE: Sin has Consequences
THEME: There is forgiveness in Christ, but there are
also consequences for sin.
1. Separation
2. Grace
3. Assured presence

2023-07-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 12: 1- 11

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 33
TITLE: Love for Christ
THEME: If we truly believe in the Lord Jesus then we
will love Him.
1. At the feet of Jesus
2. Wanting to give Him our all

2023-07-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 32

TITLE: Covenant Breakers
THEME: The Mediator intercedes to save us from our
great sin.
1. The golden calf and broken tablets
2. Mediation by the Mediator
3. The seriousness of sin

2023-06-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 11: 45- 57

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 2
TITLE: Humanity’s Hatred
THEME: By nature we hate God, but Christ
accomplishes reconciliation.
1. Hatred of God
2. God overcomes hate with love

2023-06-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 31

TITLE: Gifted for Worship
THEME: God gifts us all to worship Him and to aid
others in worshiping Him.
1. God’s gifts
2. The purpose of God’s gifts
3. The Sabbath as Covenant Blessing

2023-06-22Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Phil. 4: 4- 7; Isaiah 43: 1- 3A; Psalm 23

Peace, Presence and Preservation
Theme: Our God is the source of Peace and will keep us forever.
Statement of Faith: Q&A 1 of the Heidelberg Catechism

2023-06-18Mr. John Moesker
Passage: 1 Samuel 1: 1- 20; 1 Samuel 2: 1- 11

TEXT: Lord’s Day 10
THEME: Our life is wholly upheld in God’s providence.
We can be:
1. Patient enduring adversity
2. Thankful enjoying prosperity
3. Confident facing the future

2023-06-18Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Matthew 14: 13- 33

TEXT: Matthew 14: 30- 31
THEME: What we learn about faith in the passage
about Peter wanting to walk to Jesus on the water: 3
1. Faith in Jesus
2. Peter’s little faith
3. What we learn from this

2023-06-11Elder Deddens
Passage: Hebrews 10: 1- 10

TEXT: Genesis 3: 1- 15 (vs 9)
TITLE: The Lord God asks, “Where are you?”
1. He asked the man;
2. He asked His Son;
3. He asks each one of us.

2023-06-04Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Heidelberg Catechism LD 47

TEXT: Psalm 103
THEME: How to hallow God’s name

2023-06-04Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Ecclesiastes 3: 1- 15

TEXT: Ephesians 5: 1- 21
THEME: Living wisely: using the time we have been


2023-05-28Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 10: 1- 7

TITLE: Discern the Body and Blood
THEME: We must place our faith in Christ alone.
1. Fire from heaven
2. Nadab and Abihu
3. Discerning the body and the blood

2023-05-28Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts1: 6- 8; 2: 1- 24

TITLE: Remember the Reason the Spirit Came
THEME: Let us go forth in confidence knowing that the
Holy Spirit is with us to spread the Gospel.
1. The Mission
2. God’s gift to fulfill it
3. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter

2023-05-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 1: 1- 11

TITLE: The War is Won
THEME: Though the battle is fierce, we can rest in
Christ’s heroic victory.
1. The war begun
2. The great battle anticipated
3. The war won

2023-05-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 30

TITLE: Living in Covenant with Yahweh
THEME: We dwell in the glorious presence of God
because we are washed and we are anointed.
1. The Altar of Incense
2. The Bronze Laver
3. The Anointing Oil

2023-05-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 14: 22- 33

TITLE: Loving and Forgiving
THEME: Christ surrounds us with love, compassion
and forgiveness and our families should reflect that.
1. Christ sets His disciples up for success
2. Christ has compassion for His disciples when
they fail
3. This is the grace that is shown to us, and the
grace we should show to others

2023-05-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 29

TITLE: Ordination of the Priests
THEME: Christ has paid for our sins and so powerfully
washed that we can serve before His face.
1. The sacrifice burned and the blood shed
2. The wave offering
3. A cleansing that lasts forever

2023-05-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 11: 1- 44

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 22
TITLE: Jesus is the Resurrection and Life
THEME: We never have to fear death, for we know that
our Savior has delivered us from that as well.
1. Our Sympathetic High Priest
2. Not even death can separate us from our God
3. We can trust Jesus to save us from all our

2023-05-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 28

TITLE: God’s immediate imminent presence
THEME: Christ is God with us in immediate,
intimate, and imminent presence.
1. The ephod
2. The breastplate
3. The robe and the crown

2023-04-30Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 10: 22- 42

Canons of Dort: Head of Doctrine I: Articles 7 & 10
Head of Doctrine V: Articles 8 & 9
TITLE: My Father has Given Them to Me
THEME: The Father has given the elect to the Son to
save and keep them.
1. Unconditional election
2. Perseverance of the Saints

2023-04-30Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 27: 9- 21

TITLE: God is With Us All the Time
THEME: God is always present with His people in
holiness, sovereign power, and covenant love.
1. Dimensions of the courtyard
2. The significance of the three colors
3. God is with us in the dead of night

2023-04-23Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Matthew 8: 5- 13; Luke 7: 1- 10

TEXT: Matthew 8: 10
THEME: Great faith exemplified
1. It displays great compassion
2. It shows deep humility
3. It expresses wonderful certainty

2023-04-23Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 27: 1- 8

TITLE: How Will You Meet the Lord?
THEME: The only way that we can dwell with the Lord
is through the sacrifice of Jesus.
1. An earthly type made after a heavenly pattern
2. Ways not to come to the Lord
3. The only way to come to the Lord

2023-04-16Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 10: 1- 21

Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A 65, 83 & 84
TITLE: Jesus is the True and Good Shepherd
THEME: Jesus is our protector from all ills and our
supplier of every good thing.
1. Jesus is the True Shepherd
2. Jesus is the Door
3. Jesus is the Good Shepherd

2023-04-16Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 26

TITLE: God Tabernacled with His People
THEME: God has come to dwell with His people in
1. The beauty of the Tabernacle structure
2. The direction it always faced
3. The veil of cherubim

2023-04-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 9: 35- 41

Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A 21
TITLE: Lord, I Believe!
THEME: Christ gives us eyes of faith that we may truly
see Him.
1. The blindness of the Pharisees
2. Seeing Jesus by faith
3. Seeing Jesus in the flesh

2023-04-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 24: 1- 35

TITLE: Christ is our Life
THEME: Christ is with us, feeding and nourishing us
with resurrection life even when we don’t feel like He is.
1. The doubt of the disciples
2. Jesus comforting His disciples
3. Jesus satisfying His disciples with good things

2023-04-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 23

TITLE: The Way to Paradise is Opened
THEME: Christ’s death opens up to us the way
of eternal life in God’s presence.
1. Into Your hands I commit My spirit
2. The veil is torn
3. We will be with Christ in paradise

2023-04-02Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Isaiah 44: 1- 23

HC Lord’s Day 34 b

THEME: 9 Attractions of idolatry and their antidote

2023-04-02Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: John 11: 1- 44

THEME: 7 Signs: the sign of the great confrontation

2023-03-26Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Exodus 30: 22-33

Luke 3: 21, 22; 4: 1-21; 1 John 2: 18-29
TEXT: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 12
THEME: Anointing Equips Us for Our Task
in God’s World.
1. Anointing in the Old Testament
2. The anointing of Jesus
3. The anointing of God’s people in
the New Testament

2023-03-26Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Luke 12: 50-13: 9

TEXT: Luke 13: 6-9
THEME: Jesus’ exhortation to a life of repentance.
1. God seeks the fruit of repentance
2. God gives us time to bear that fruit

2023-03-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 9: 1- 34

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 11
TITLE: I was Blind but Now I See
THEME: Christ is the Light and the One who gives us
1. Born again to see Christ
2. The unbelief of the crowd
3. One thing I know

2023-03-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 127; Philippians 4: 6, 7

TITLE: He Gives His Beloved Sleep
THEME: Placing our faith in the Lord is where we find
true rest.
1. Vanity, vanity all is vanity
2. In the Lord we find rest and peace

2023-03-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 25: 31-40

TITLE: The Light of Life
THEME: Our God is the source of all life.
1. The lampstand
2. The symbolism
3. The fulfillment

2023-03-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 9: 1-7

TITLE: Regenerated, Washed and Seeing
THEME: Christ is the One that gives us new life that we
may see Him.
1. Who sinned?
2. The blind man sees
3. Grace received

2023-03-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 8: 48-59

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 22
TITLE: Before Abraham was I AM
THEME: Jesus is the only one that brings about the
covenant promises.
1. Humble yourselves in the sight of God
2. Christ honors the Father
3. Christ is greater than Abraham

2023-03-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 25: 23-30

TITLE: The table of Showbread
THEME: The Lord will provide for all of His people.
1. Being fed by the holy God
2. Blessings for all
3. Supplied with the Bread of Life

2023-02-26Mr. John Moesker
Passage: James 3: 13 - 4: 12

TEXT: James 4: 4
TITLE: Friendship with the world is enmity against
1. What is friendship with the world?
2. Why is that enmity against God?

2023-02-26Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 25: 10- 22

TITLE: The Ark of the Covenant
THEME: We enter heaven only because of the promise
that Christ would pay for our sins.
1. Understanding the Tabernacle setup
2. The symbolism of the Ark
a. Where is the Ark
b. What is in the Ark
c. What is on top of the Ark
3. Propitiation

2023-02-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 8: 31- 47

Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A’s 58, 65, 90
TITLE: The Truth shall set You Free
THEME: All who place their faith in Christ are set free
from sin.
1. The truth of Christ
2. The Freedom Christ provides

2023-02-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 25: 1- 9

TITLE: Joyfully Giving
THEME: Let us give willingly and joyfully to the God
who has given us everything.
1. Understanding our possessions
2. How should we give?
3. How should we worship?

2023-02-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: TEXT: John 8: 12- 30

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 7
TITLE: Come to Christ or Die in Your Sins
THEME: We must believe in Jesus as our Anointed
Savior who takes away our sins.
1. Who is Jesus?
2. How do we know the truth?
3. Why is the truth so important?

2023-02-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: TEXT: Exodus 24

TITLE: Covenantal Communion
THEME: God’s gracious covenant provides us with
communion with Him.
1. Entrance into the Covenant
2. Covenant of grace
3. Communion with God

2023-02-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 9: 22-24

TITLE: We are Blessed
THEME: Since Christ endured the wrath of God for us
on the cross, we are now under God’s blessing.
1. Blessing then Sacrifice?
2. God’s wrath against sin
3. What blessing?

2023-02-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 23

TITLE: Follow Jesus
THEME: We must place our faith in Jesus Christ alone
and follow Him.
1. We must place our faith in the Lord alone
2. We must worship the Lord alone
3. We must serve the Lord alone

2023-01-29Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Matthew 14: 13- 21

TEXT: 1 Kings 17: 1- 6
THEME: Servant of Yahweh:

Man does not live on bread alone

2023-01-29Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Amos 9: 11- 15

TEXT: John 2: 1- 11
THEME: 7 Signs: the best has been kept until now

2023-01-22Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 8: 12

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 16
TITLE: Jesus is the Light of the World
THEME: Jesus is the only way that we can be delivered
from evil and truly live.
1. Jesus is the I AM
2. Light and Darkness
3. Light of Life

2023-01-22Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 22

TITLE: Further Instruction on
Loving your Neighbour
THEME: We are to live loving lives as those who were
first loved of God.
1. Taking care of property
2. Taking care of virgins, foreigners, and the poor
3. Worship the Lord alone

2023-01-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 7: 53- 8: 11

Heidelberg Catechism: Q&A: 56
TITLE: Judgment and Forgiveness
THEME: The judgment our sin deserves should always
cause us to look for the powerful forgiveness only Jesus
1. Christ came not to judge
2. Writing on the earth
3. Power of forgiveness

2023-01-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 21

TITLE: Human Life is Valuable
THEME: Human life is of the utmost value to our God
and should be to us as well.
1. Servants
2. Violence
3. Animal control
4. Death and resurrection

2023-01-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 7: 37- 52

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 20 and Q&A 83
TITLE: If Anyone Thirsts
THEME: Let all who are thirsty for salvation come to
1. If anyone thirsts
2. Come to Jesus
3. Rivers of living water

2023-01-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 20: 18- 26

TITLE: Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
THEME: We are to worship the Lord in holiness and
1. Worshiping in Holiness
2. Worshiping with gratitude

2023-01-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 7: 25- 36

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 10
TITLE: Taking or Believing
THEME: God’s providence demands faith in Jesus.
1. The problem
2. God’s providence
3. Christ’s warning


2023-01-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: James 5: 19, 20

TITLE: Shepherding One Another to God
THEME: Creating a Christ-like community means we must have covenantal love.
1. Covenantal, committed, community-wide love
2. Shepherding and forgiving
3. All to the glory of God


2022-12-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 2: 25- 35

TEXT: Luke 2: 29- 32
TITLE: Nunc Dimittis
THEME: We can have peace even in death because we
have seen Jesus.
1. A sure hope
2. My eyes have seen Your salvation
3. Departing in peace

2022-12-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 2: 1- 20

TEXT: Luke 2: 14
TITLE: Gloria In Excelsis Deo
THEME: We glorify God because of the peace we have
with Him through Christ.
1. Peace on earth
2. Glory to God in the highest

2022-12-18Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: 1 Kings 16: 21- 34

TEXT: 1 Kings 17: 1
TITLE: Servant of Yahweh: Sudden Confrontation

2022-12-18Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Isaiah 9: 1- 7

TEXT: John 1: 6- 13
TITLE: Receive the Light

2022-12-04Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 20: 1- 21

TITLE: Grace and Fear
THEME: The law was given to teach us the greatness of
God’s grace.
1. Grace and gratitude
2. The Standard of holiness
3. How do we stand?

2022-12-04Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 1: 46- 55

TITLE: Mary’s Song
THEME: Let us rejoice in God our Savior.
1. Magnify the Lord
2. Three attributes of God
a. God is mighty
b. God has a holy name
c. God is merciful
3. The Lord is covenantally faithful

2022-11-27Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 7: 1- 13

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 2
TITLE: Jesus Mocked by His Own Brothers
THEME: Jesus endured the ridicule of family in order
to save them.
1. Christ mocked and hated
2. Christ testifies against evil
3. How can one believe?

2022-11-27Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 1: 42- 45

TITLE: Elizabeth’s Song
THEME: We must be overwhelmed by the grace of
God given to us in Christ.
1. Why is this granted to me?
2. Encouragement
3. Joy and hope

2022-11-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 6: 67- 71

Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A 21
TITLE: Peter’s Great Confession
THEME: The Holy Spirit reveals that Jesus is the Christ
the Son of the Living God.
1. Jesus’ question
2. Peter’s confession
3. Judas’ false profession

2022-11-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 19: 3- 9

TITLE: The Mosaic Covenant (part #2)
THEME: Our response to God’s grace must be an
absolute desire to follow Him in all things.
1. Covenantal grace
2. Covenantal conditions
3. Covenantal desire

2022-11-13Mr. John Moesker
Passage: 1 Peter 2: 4- 12; Ephesians 2: 11- 22

TEXT: Ephesians 2: 19- 22
THEME: The Building of God’s House (Nation). In that
house (nation) you are:
1. Equal stones (fellow citizens)
2. Solidly founded (secure citizens)
3. Constantly under construction (full citizens)

2022-11-13Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Daniel 6

TEXT: Daniel 6: 10
THEME: Daniel prayed as previously
1. Prayer needed
2. Prayer explained
3. Prayer threatened

2022-11-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 6: 52- 66

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 23
TITLE: Jesus Rejected
THEME: Jesus is the Cornerstone that is also a
stumbling block to many.
1. Eating
2. Election
3. Rejection

2022-11-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 19: 1- 9

TEXT: Exodus 19: 3- 9
TITLE: The Mosaic Covenant
THEME: The Covenant of Grace continues to unfold.
1. What is a covenant?
2. Understanding the Mosaic Covenant
3. The proper response

2022-10-30Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 9: 1- 21

TITLE: Christ is our Perfect Mediator
THEME: The Aaronic priesthood is shown to be flawed
in order that we would look forward to another.
1. The Aaronic priesthood’s flaw
2. The Sufficiency of Christ

2022-10-30Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 79

TITLE: Glorify the God of our Salvation
THEME: All glory belongs to our God because He
alone provides our salvation.
1. Background
2. Repentance
3. God of our Salvation

2022-10-23Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Mark 1: 9- 28

TEXT: Mark 1: 21-26
The worship services as battleground.
1. Jesus in the worship service
2. Satan in the worship service
3. We in the worship service

2022-10-23Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Matthew 5: 1- 16; Philippians 2: 1- 18

TEXT: Philippians 2: 14- 16
With the attitude of Christ Jesus, do everything
Without complaining or arguing.
1. What drives this approach to life
2. What results from this approach to life

2022-10-16Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 6: 41- 51

Canons of Dort: Head of Doctrine #1 Article7;
Head of Doctrine #3 and 4 Article 12, 13
TITLE: God Draws Us
THEME: The Father by Christ through the Holy Spirit
draws to Himself His chosen people.
1. The complaint against God’s work
2. How God works to save sinners

2022-10-16Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 19

TITLE: The Mosaic Covenant is Made
THEME: The Lord makes a covenant with His people to
be their God.
1. The Lord’s presence
2. The separation
3. The covenant

2022-10-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 6: 22- 29

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 7
TITLE: Faith not Words
THEME: Jesus calls us to place our faith in Him alone
for eternal life.
1. Wrong desires for Jesus
2. Wrong way to be saved
3. Faith in Christ alone

2022-10-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 18

TITLE: Jethro’s Wisdom
THEME: Understanding our limits causes us to
1. Moses’ misguided heart
2. Jethro’s wise advice
3. Christ’s sufficiency to save

2022-09-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 6: 15- 21

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 18
TITLE: Jesus Walks on Water
THEME: Christ is in control of the storm.
1. Our Humble Savior
2. The Storm
3. The One who is above the storm

2022-09-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 17: 8-16

TITLE: Yahweh is our Banner
THEME: Christ is the One that we look to for
1. Under attack
2. Christ gives victory

2022-09-18Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 6: 1- 14

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 50
TITLE: The Good Shepherd Cares for His Sheep
THEME: Christ supplies our every need by His
immense grace.
1. The need
2. The test
3. The supply

2022-09-18Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 17: 1- 17

TITLE: Don’t Test Him
THEME: Christ is the overflowing Fountain of Living
1. The Israelites put God to the test
2. The Rock must be struck
3. The Rock is a Fountain of Living Water

2022-09-11Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 8

Title: Holy and Clean
Theme: To be in the presence of God we must be holy and clean.
1. Old Testament symbolism
2. New Testament realities

2022-09-11Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Corinthians 10: 1- 13

1 Corinthians 10: 1-5
Title: Baptized into Jesus
Theme: The exodus was a picture to help us understand the spiritual realities that are ours in Christ.
1. The picture
2, The reality
3. The application

2022-08-28Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 5: 31- 47

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 12
TITLE: The Manifold Witness about Jesus
THEME: Jesus is proclaimed to be the Christ by
every source of authority.
1. Witness of John the Baptist
2. Witness of the works of Christ
3. Witness of the Father
4. Witness of the Scriptures

2022-08-28Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 16

TITLE: Bread from Heaven
THEME: Eat of Christ everyday.
1. Hangry
2. Manna
3. Sabbath

2022-08-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 5: 10- 30

TEXT: John 5: 24- 30
Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 22
TITLE: Christ is the Resurrection Life
THEME: Jesus has the power to give resurrection
life, hear Him!
1. Hear the Word of Jesus
2. Christ has the authority to give life
3. The Righteous judgment of Christ

2022-08-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 15: 20- 27

TITLE: Marvelous Grace
THEME: Despite Israel’s weakness of faith the Lord
still gives them victory and peace.
1. Salvation is entirely of the Lord
2. Israel’s weakness of faith
3. God’s amazing grace

2022-08-14Pastor Marty Slingerland
Passage: 2 Peter 3

TEXT: 2 Peter 3: 14 - 18
THEME: Living in Light of Our Blessed Hope

2022-08-14Pastor Marty Slingerland
Passage: Luke 10: 25 - 42

TEXT: Luke 10: 25 - 37
THEME: A Lawyer’s Inquiry about Eternal Life

2022-08-07Rev. James Visscher
Passage: Acts 15: 1- 35

TEXT: Acts 15



2022-08-07Rev. James Visscher
Passage: Ecclesiastes 1

TEXT: Ecclesiastes 11


2022-07-31Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Romans 8: 1- 17

TEXT: Romans 8: 14
TITLE: The Guidance of the Holy Spirit
1. Guides all believers equally
2. Obligates all of us
3. Gives us the fullness of life

2022-07-31Mr. John Moesker
Passage: John 2: 23- 3: 15; Luke 18: 9-14

TEXT: John 3: 1- 3
TITLE: Jesus speaks about the need to be born
1. What’s needed for rebirth
2. What rebirth means
3. What that means for us

2022-07-24Rev. James Visscher
Passage: Luke 5: 1- 26

TEXT: Luke 5: 27-32
TITLE: Who is Worthy to Follow Jesus?
1. Christ calls a controversial person
2. Christ accepts a controversial invitation
3. Christ gives a controversial response

2022-07-24Rev. James Visscher
Passage: Job 13; 1 Peter 5: 6- 11

TEXT: Psalm 13
TITLE: How Long, O LORD?

2022-07-17Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 15: 1- 19

TITLE: Worship the God of your Salvation
THEME: Let us worship the God who has saved us
entirely by His power and grace.
1. The Lord has triumphed
2. The Lord’s power to save
3. Who is like our God

2022-07-17Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 14

TITLE: The Red Sea Crossing
THEME: Be still and see the salvation of the Lord.
1. Complaining about the situation
2. Trust God in the situation
3. See God’s salvation from the situation

2022-07-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 5: 16- 23

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 14 & 38
TITLE: Worship the Son
THEME: Sabbath rest is only given through the work of
God in Christ.
1. The Father and the Son are One
2. The work of God
3. The rest filled results

2022-07-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 13: 17-14: 14

TEXT: Exodus 13: 17- 14: 9
TITLE: Yahweh’s Faithful Care
THEME: Yahweh in covenantal faithfulness leads His
people in the best possible way.
1. What is the Lord doing?
2. The Lord’s faithfulness
3. The best possible way

2022-07-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 5: 1- 15

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 38
TITLE: Resting in Jesus
THEME: Jesus is the only one that can provide us with
true rest.
1. Bethesda
2. Rest

2022-07-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 12: 43- 13: 16

TITLE: Worship the Lord!
THEME: We are redeemed solely by the grace of God.
1. The worship of God is holy
2. Understanding Redemption
3. Worship the Lord with your household and
with all that you are

2022-06-26Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Luke 11: 5- 13

THEME: The Lord Jesus teaches us to pray
1. With what kind of attitude to pray
2. What to seek in prayer above all

2022-06-26Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 12: 29- 42

TITLE: The Exodus
THEME: The Lord breaks the chains of His people’s
1. The last plague
2. Free at last
3. Proper soteriology always leads to doxology

2022-06-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 12: 1- 28

TITLE: Father’s Teach the Gospel
THEME: The gospel of Christ is given to us and our
1. Remember the Gospel
2. Teach the Gospel to the next generation

2022-06-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 12: 1- 28

TITLE: Stay in the Bloody House
THEME: Christ is the lamb who was slain who causes
the wrath of God to pass over us.
1. Bitter herbs and unleavened bread
2. The sacrificial lamb
3. The Lord passes over

2022-06-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 11

TITLE: Comfort my People
THEME: The Lord prepares His people for the exodus
with comfort.
1. Comfort for Israel
2. Comfort for us

2022-06-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Philippians 2: 1- 11

TITLE: Believing In and Imitating Christ
THEME: Believe the gospel and imitate the Christ of
the gospel.
1. Have the same mind
2. Have the same love

2022-06-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 7: 22- 38

TITLE: Give to the Lord His Due
THEME: We are to give the Lord our entire lives and the best of everything.
1. Treat the sacrifice with reverence
2. Give to the Lord your best and your all


2022-06-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 2: 1- 39

TEXT: Acts 2: 22- 39
TITLE: Lord and Christ
THEME: Christ in the gospel calls us to repent and believe in Him for salvation.
1. The crucified and resurrected Savior
2. Lord of all
3. Repent and be baptized


2022-05-29Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 4: 43- 54

TITLE: True Faith believes in the Word of Christ
THEME: True believers in Jesus believe in His Word.
1. Jesus goes to Galilee
2. Faith in Jesus’ Word
3. Signs that confirm

2022-05-29Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 1: 4- 11, Colossians 3: 1- 17

TEXT: Colossians 3: 1- 4
TITLE: Seek the Things Above
THEME: We are to seek those things which are above,
where Christ is seated.
1. Christ’s ascension and our sanctification
2. Christ’s ascension and our daily comfort

2022-05-22Mr. John Moesker
Passage: 1 John 3

TEXT: 1 John 3: 18- 20
THEME: God’s solution for a condemning conscience.


2022-05-22Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 10: 21- 29

TITLE: Hearts of Darkness
THEME: The light of God’s glory and grace shines upon His people.
1. The darkness of the human heart
2. The plague of darkness
3. The glorious gospel light


2022-05-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 4: 27- 42

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 48
TITLE: The Fields are White for Harvest
THEME: The eternal salvation of people is Christ’s main concern because that is the will of the Father.
1. The missionary work of the Samaritan woman
2. Christ’s food and drink


2022-05-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 10: 1-20

TITLE: Nothing but Dust
THEME: The Lord sends locusts upon Egypt to show that only He is the source of life.
1. Pharaoh’s continued pride
2. The Lord’s care for all His people
3. Egypt is turned to dust


2022-05-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 4: 1-26

Heidelberg Catechism: Q&A 1
TITLE: My Only Comfort and Satisfaction
THEME: We will only be comforted and satisfied in Christ Jesus.
1. Searching in all the wrong places
2. Finding Jesus to be our all in all


2022-05-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 23: 37

TITLE: Caring and Protecting
THEME: Our Triune God has a heart for us that cares for us and protects us.


2022-05-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 4: 1-26

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 3
TITLE: Drink of the Living Water
THEME: Jesus brings life to the worst of sinners.
1. Jesus the Good shepherd
2. Jesus the Revealer of hearts
3. Jesus the Life Giver


2022-05-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 18: 1-7; Mark 10: 35-45

TITLE: A Servant of All
THEME: Christ is a servant of all and all the leaders of His church should do likewise.
1. Being served by Christ
2. Serving like Christ!


2022-04-24Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Luke 24: 13- 49

TEXT: HC LD 6 Q&A 19
THEME: The one, old, old story


2022-04-24Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: 2 John

TEXT: 2 John 1- 6
THEME: A letter on love and truth


2022-04-17Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Philippians 3: 1- 16

TITLE: Press on in the Grace of God
THEME: Living in the Light of the Gospel
1. Count all things as loss for Christ
2. Press on
3. Be mature


2022-04-17Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 20: 1- 18

TEXT: Romans 5: 1- 21
TITLE: Eternal Resurrection Life in Christ
THEME: Since we are united to Christ by faith we share in His resurrection life.
1. Death reigned
2. Life in Christ


2022-04-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Luke 23: 26-49; John 19: 25-30

TITLE: The Crucifixion Sayings of Jesus
THEME: Christ’s love and care even in the midst of His suffering.
1. “Father forgive them”
2. “Woman, behold your son”
3. “Today you will be with Me in Paradise”
4. “My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?”
5. “I Thirst”
6. “Father, into your hands I commit My spirit”
7. “It is Finished”


2022-04-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 3: 22-36

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 6
TITLE: The Witness of the Witness
THEME: John the Baptist continues to witness that Jesus is the Christ and the only way that one can be saved.
1. Background information
2. The controversy
3. John’s witness


2022-04-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 12: 12- 19

TITLE: Palms of Victory
THEME: Christ has given us the victory over all our enemies.
1. The significance of palm branches
2. Why Christ came
3. What is ours in Christ


2022-04-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 3: 1- 21

TEXT: John 3: 9- 21
Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 23
TITLE: Christ Came to Save the Universe
THEME: Those who believe upon the Lord Jesus will be saved unto eternal life.
1. Born again
2. Faith
3. Salvation in Christ


2022-04-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 9: 13- 35

TITLE: The Sky is Falling
THEME: God is saving His people and at the same time showing the whole world His great power.
1. God’s plan
2. The plague
3. Pharoah’s hard heart


2022-03-27Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 2: 23- 3: 8

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 26, 27
TITLE: The Necessity of the New Birth
THEME: To be a Christian you must be born again by the Holy Spirit.
1. The crowds did not believe
2. The Necessity of being born again
3. The Spirit moves like the wind


2022-03-27Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 9: 8-12

TITLE: Healthy and Clean
THEME: The Lord causes the Israelites and the Egyptians to see the reality they are in.
1. Ashes and boils
2. In pain and unclean
3. Healthy and clean


2022-03-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 2: 13-25

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 44
TITLE: The Zeal of the Lord
THEME: Christ is zealous for the worship of the Father.
1. The situation
2. Christ’s action
3. The sign of assurance


2022-03-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 9: 1-7

TITLE: The Saving Hand of God
THEME: The Lord’s almighty hands shall deliver His people from the grasp of the kingdom of Darkness.
1. The severity of the plague
2. The Lord’s saving hand
3. The hardness of Pharaoh’s heart


2022-03-13Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Psalm 38

TEXT: Psalm 39
THEME: A sinner cries out in the anguish of God’s chastisement.
1. His initial approach to the problem
2. His increased understanding of humanity
3. His prayer for deliverance


2022-03-13Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 8: 20-32

TITLE: A Redeeming Difference
THEME: The Israelites are set apart in redeeming love from the kingdom of darkness.
1. The plague
2. Redeeming separation
3. The temptation


2022-03-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 2: 1-12

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Days 16, 17
TITLE: The Wedding at Cana
THEME: Christ turns uncleanness into great blessing.
1. The Wedding
2. Water to Wine
3. What does this tell us about Jesus?


2022-03-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 8: 16-19

TITLE: The Finger of God
THEME: God shows His power over the earth.
1. Dust
2. Finger of God
3. Christ became a curse for us


2022-02-27Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Ecclesiastes 3

THEME: I am an enigma
1. The enigma of our greatness
2. The enigma of our fall

2022-02-27Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Matthew 15

TEXT: Matthew 15: 21-28
THEME: Doctor without borders

2022-02-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 1: 43-51

TITLE: Can Anything Good come from Nazareth?
THEME: Jesus is the only way to heaven.
1. Jesus sees
2. Philip and Nathanael believe
3. Greater things

2022-02-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 8: 1-16

TITLE: Vengeance is the Lord’s
THEME: The Lord laughs as He enacts judgment
against Egypt.
1. The Lord remembers
2. The abundant frogs
3. The Lord laughs

2022-02-13Mr. John Moesker
Passage: Ecclesiastes 4: 1-12

TEXT: Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12
TITLE: Two are Better Than One
THEME: For the Lord created us to depend on each
1. For help
2. For strength
3. For comfort

2022-02-13Mr. John Moesker
Passage: 2 Samuel 11: 1-12,15; Hebrews 4: 12-15

TEXT: 2 Samuel 12: 1a, 7a, 13a
THEME: David’s repentance from his sin with
1. Nathan sent
2. Nathan’s words
3. David’s confession


2022-02-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 7: 11-21

TITLE: Peace and Thanksgiving
THEME: Give thanks for the fellowship we have with God in Christ.
1. The details of the peace offering
2. The foreshadowing of Christ


2022-02-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 7: 14-25

TITLE: Water into Blood
THEME: The Lord shows His power to give and take away life.
1. The swallowing up of Pharaoh’s authority
2. Christ is the source of life


2022-01-30Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 1: 35-42

Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A 65; 83,84
TITLE: Preaching Jesus as the Lamb and the Christ
1. Preaching
2. Hearing
3. Following


2022-01-30Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 6: 28-7: 13

TITLE: Whatever Pharaoh can do, God can do better
THEME: God shows Pharaoh a sign of his certain defeat.
1. Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh
2. The battle of the serpents


2022-01-23Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: John 10: 1-21

TEXT: Belgic confession Article 5

THEME: The Authority of the Bible


2022-01-23Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Leviticus 16: 1-17

TEXT: Hebrews 9: 11-28

THEME: Three appearances and cleaning house


2022-01-16Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 1: 29-34

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 5: Q & A 39
TITLE: The Lamb of God
THEME: Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
1. Jesus is the long awaited Savior
2. Jesus is the Christ


2022-01-16Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 6: 1-27

TITLE: God’s Word Assures
THEME: God assures us of salvation by the promises of His Word.
1. Remember who I am
2. This is what I have promised
3. This is who I am using


2022-01-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John1: 19-28

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 6
TITLE: Proclaiming the Christ
THEME: John’s testimony encourages us to repent and believe upon the Lord Jesus.
1. Who is John?
2. What is John doing?
3. Repent and Believe


2022-01-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Rev. 20-21: 8

Belgic Confession: Article 37
TITLE: The End and the Beginning
THEME: When Christ comes again we have a great comfort that He will judge the world.
1. What will happen?
2. The judgment of Christ
3. Judgment as comfort


2022-01-02Mr. John Moesker

TEXT: Philemon 12-14
TITLE: A Hard Test of forgiveness


2022-01-02Mr. John Moesker

TEXT: Proverbs 14: 26-27
TITLE: The fear of the LORD is the sure way to a blessed new year


2021-12-26Rev. Iwan Borst

TEXT: Luke 1: 67-80
THEME: Praise be to the Lord


2021-12-26Rev. Iwan Borst

TEXT: Luke 2: 21-40
THEME: Now dismiss your servant


2021-12-25Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 1: 14-18

Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A 1
TITLE: The Word became Flesh
THEME: Comfort and joy is found in the truth and grace of Jesus.
1. The Word became Flesh
2. Truth and Grace
3. The glory of Christ


2021-12-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 5

TITLE: It’s Darkest before the Dawn
THEME: Doubt and frustration fill the people of God and yet He is faithful.
1. Pharaoh’s wrath
2. Israel’s suffering
3. Moses’ cry


2021-12-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 1: 6-13

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 12, 13
TITLE: Salvation in a Nutshell
THEME: By the preaching of the Word salvation is worked into the hearts of those who are born again.
1. Testimony of John the Baptist
2. Rejection of the world
3. Born again and believing


2021-12-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 7: 1-10

Belgic Confession: Article 35
TITLE: Only the Best
THEME: Christ’s sacrifice upon the cross is most holy because it was pure, of the very best quality, and able under the fiery wrath of God to be a pleasing aroma to Him.
1. The best quality
2. The most holy
3. A pleasing aroma


2021-12-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 1: 1-5

Heidelberg Catechism: Q & A 25; Lord’s Day 13
TITLE: Jesus is God and is the Light of the World
THEME: Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God who is the truth, love and glory of God
1. In the Beginning
2. All things made through Him
3. Light in the darkness


2021-12-05Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Isaiah 6; 1 Peter 1: 13-25

TEXT: Belgic confession: Article 1
THEME: The Holiness of God


2021-12-05Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: 1 Samuel 2: 1-10

TEXT: Luke 1: 39-56
THEME: Magnify the Lord


2021-11-28Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Romans 13; 1 Peter 2: 13-17

Belgic confession: Article 36
TITLE: The Role of the Government
THEME: Christ is King over all the spheres of life.

1.Understanding Peter and Paul
2.Understanding sphere sovereignty
3.Understanding Biblical Application


2021-11-28Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 4: 18-31

TITLE: A Husband of Blood
THEME: The covenant blood of Christ is necessary for us to escape God’s wrath.
1. Moses’ obedience
2. Moses’ disobedience and God’s wrath
3. Israel’s joyful reception


2021-11-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11

TITLE: Christ is Coming
THEME: Christ coming again is something for us to be ready for but also comforted by.
1. Birth pains
2. Always ready
3. Comfort one another


2021-11-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 3: 1-8

TITLE: New Life and Cleansed
THEME: Baptism symbolizes the Holy Spirit applying the work of Christ to us.

1.Born again


2021-11-14Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 4: 1-17

TITLE: Signs of Deliverance
THEME: The Lord assures His people of the deliverance He Provides.
1. Moses’ doubt
2. The assurances
3. The heart of our Savior


2021-11-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Romans 1: 16,17

TITLE: The Just shall live by Faith
THEME: We are saved by Christ alone through faith alone.
1. Not ashamed
2. Power of God
3. The just shall live by faith


2021-11-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 3: 10-22

TITLE: Moses’ call to the Ministry
THEME: Jesus calls Moses to be His ambassador in the deliverance of His people.
1. Jesus calls
2. Moses’ hesitation
3. “I AM” has sent you


2021-10-31Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Luke 1: 46-55

TEXT: Esther 6

THEME: Hidden but present: Oh, the irony and why God loves it.


2021-10-31Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Romans 4: 16-5: 11


THEME: You are righteous and heir to eternal life by faith in
Jesus Christ.
1. Righteous because of Jesus Christ alone
2. Righteous by faith alone


2021-10-24Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 6: 24-30

TITLE: The Holiness of the Sin Offering
THEME: The sacrifice of Christ for our sins is most holy.

1. The holiness of the sin offering
2. The holiness of Christ’s sacrifice


2021-10-24Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 3: 1-9

TITLE: The Burning Bush
THEME: By the grace of God in Christ the bush is not burned.
1. Who is in the bush?
2. Why is the bush not consumed?
3. Take your shoes off!


2021-10-17Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Colossians 2: 11-15

Belgic Confession: Article 33
TITLE: The Sacraments point us to Christ
THEME: The Sacraments are visible signs and seals of what Christ has done to us and for us.

1. What are sacraments?
2. What sacraments are given to the New Testament church?
3. Seeing Christ in the sacraments


2021-10-10Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Colossians 2: 6,7

TITLE: Abounding with Thanksgiving
THEME: We are to abound in thanksgiving to Christ
for the faith we have been given by Him.
1. Walk with Christ
2. Rooted in Christ
3. Abounding in faith with thanksgiving

2021-10-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 23: 1-36

Belgic Confession: Article 32
TITLE: Staying Pure and on Course
THEME: Being obedient to Christ means not requiring no more and no less than what He has commanded.

1. Freedom in organization
2. Guarding against legalism and antinomianism
3. Persevering in Purity


2021-10-03Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 2: 11-22

A Shepherd’s Heart mixed with Wrath
THEME: Moses displays the heart of Christ and yet lacks the wisdom and righteousness of Christ.
1. Moses’ shepherd heart
2. Moses’ wrath
3. The Lord continues to provide


2021-09-26Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 1: 15-26; 1 Timothy 5: 17-22; Hebrews 13

Belgic Confession: Article 31
TITLE: Active Encouragement
THEME: Building up one another in Christ.

1. Encouragement from the congregation in elections
2. Encouragement from God by His call
3. The mutually encouraging relationship between the church at her leaders


2021-09-26Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 1: 22 - 2: 10

TITLE: God rescues Moses
THEME: God through ordinary means saves Moses.
1. The problem
2. The solution
3. The foreshadowing


2021-09-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 6: 14-23

The Body of Christ
Theme: We give thanks for the fellowship and blessings that are ours because of the broken body of Christ.
1. The grain offering
2. The fellowship and blessings

2021-09-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 1: 15-21

The Midwives' Righteous Lie
Theme: God delivers and blesses His people through ordinary means.
1. The midwives tough decision
2. The Lord gives deliverance through a lie
3. The Lord blesses the midwives

2021-09-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Corinthians 14: 40; 1 Timothy 3: 1-13

TITLE: Church Government
THEME: Doing things God’s way for God’s glory.
1. Christ as the only head of the church
2. The three offices of the church
3. The role and relationship of the 3 offices to each other and with the congregation


2021-09-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Exodus 1: 1-14

TITLE: Israel in Bondage
THEME: Israel is in bondage to a tyrant with no hope of
saving themselves.
1. Setting and background
2. The problem
3. Anticipating the solution


2021-09-05Deacon John Reaves
Passage: John 20: 19-31

TITLE: Believing without Seeing
THEME: Blessed are those who haven’t seen the risen Christ, yet believe!
1. The faith of someone who saw
2. The faith of those who have not


2021-09-05Elder Mark Mack
Passage: Philippians 2: 1-11

TEXT: Philippians 2: 1-5
TITLE: Church Unity
Sermon written by: Rev. Steven Swets


2021-08-29Mr. John Moesker
Passage: John 10: 1-10

THEME: Jesus is the Door.
1. Enter for salvation.
2. Go out for pasture.


2021-08-29Mr. John Moesker
Passage: John 15: 1-17; Galatians 5: 15-26

THEME: Live the Joyful Life of a Sanctified Christian.
1. Experience the joy of earthly life;
2. Experience the joy of eternal life.


2021-08-22Deacon Wes Zandberg
Passage: 2 Chronicles 32: 1-23

TEXT: Psalm 46
TITLE: God is our Refuge at all times
Sermon written by Rev. Slomp (Immanuel Canadian
Reformed Church, Edmonton)

2021-08-22Elder Peter Aarsen
Passage: John 3: 16-36

CONFESSION: Lord’s Day 7 Q&A 20,21,22
TITLE: True Faith is the Only Means
THEME: The confession that true faith is the only
means to be saved by Christ, the perfect Mediator.
1. The necessity of true faith
2. The activity of true faith
3. The contents of true faith
Sermon written by Rev. Clarence Stam

2021-08-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Mark 1: 14, 15

CONFESSION: Belgic Confession Article 29
TITLE: Repent and Believe in the Gospel
THEME: The Christian will live a life of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ alone.
1. Repent
2. Believe
3. Gratitude


2021-08-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 50

TITLE: Real Forgiveness
THEME: Joseph models the pure and full forgiveness that is given us in Christ.
1. The nature of the forgiveness given
2. Temptation and doubt
3. How are we able to forgive


2021-08-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Matthew 11: 28-30; Ephesians 4: 11-16

CONFESSION: Belgic Confession Article 27
TITLE: Being a Church Member
THEME: Being a church member means serving like Christ.
1. The necessity of joining a true church
2. Submitting to the yoke of Christ
3. Serving like Christ


2021-07-25Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Ephesians 1: 13-23 & HC Lord's Day 47

Theme: Jesus teaches us to start our prayers with God's glory

2021-07-25Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Psalm 2

Text: Esther 1
Theme: Hidden but present: the emperor has no queen

2021-07-18Mr. Scottie Wright
Passage: Matthew 5: 1-16

TITLE: Salt & Light
THEME: Christians are different so that God is glorified

2021-07-18Mr. Scottie Wright
Passage: Exodus 17: 1-7

TITLE: Christ Our Rock
THEME: Remember that God is present with his quarrelsome people providing and
protecting them in Jesus, our rock of salvation.
1. The Complaint
2. The People’s Solution (Put God to the test)
3. God’s Solution (God reveals himself as the provider, protector, and ever-present
Is God with you?

2021-07-11Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Ruth 4: 1-23

Blessed be the God who took notice of us
Theme: The Lord seeks to have an intimate relationship with us and in doing so displays His saving strength and faithful love.
1. In Him is strength
2. In Him is Faithful love

2021-07-11Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 47

Jacob Blesses because he is Blessed
Theme: Jacob blesses Pharaoh because he has more than the most powerful man in the world.
1. Jacob blesses Pharaoh
2. Joseph's wise governance
3. Jacob's resting in the promise

2021-07-04Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Ruth 4: 1-12

The Kinsman-Redeemer
Theme: Christ as our Kinsman-Redeemer redeems us for Himself in covenantal love.

2021-07-04Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 46

Israel Goes Down Egypt
Theme: The Lord continues to sanctify and providentially care for His people.
1. Jacob's sanctification
2. God's providential care and keeping His Word
3. God's providential care in reuniting father and son

2020-11-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 33

TITLE: Israel acting like Jacob
THEME: God gives Israel grace even as he still acts like a Jacob.
1. What about the name change?
2. Reconciliation
3. Worship


2020-11-01Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Romans 1: 16, 17

TITLE: The Just Shall Live by Faith
THEME: We are saved by Christ alone through faith alone.
1. Not ashamed
2. Power of God
3. The just shall live by faith


2020-10-25Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Hebrews 4: 12-5: 10

TEXT: Hebrews 4: 14-16

THEME: Jesus is our great high priest so
1. Hold on to Him
2. Draw near to God


2020-10-18Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 32: 22-32

TITLE: Jacob wrestles with Christ
THEME: It is Christ’s good pleasure to wrestle with us and bless us.
1. Jacob wrestles with God
2. What does it mean to wrestle with God?
3. The twofold blessing of God


2020-10-11Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Colossians 3: 12-17

TITLE: Being Thankful and Living Thankfully
THEME: We are called as those in Christ to be thankful and live thankful lives.
1. Being thankful
2. Living Thankfully


2020-10-04Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 32:1-21

TITLE: Jacob’s Prayer
THEME: Jacob places his faith in the Lord to be his
covenant faithful God and Deliverer.
1. Between a rock and a hard place
2. A prayer of faith
3. Acting in faith


2020-09-27Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Daniel 5

THEME: God weighs the evil king and finds him too light.
1. The writing on the wall
2. The riddle of the weights


2020-09-20Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 31

TITLE: The Lord’s Faithfulness Continued
THEME: The Lord protects and preserves Jacob from Laban.
1. Jacob’s obedience
2. Laban’s wickedness
3. God’s protection

2020-09-13Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 30: 25-43

TITLE: Nothing Can Stop God’s Blessing
THEME: As hard as Laban tries, he cannot stop God from richly blessing Jacob.
1. Laban’s deception
2. God’s blessing


2020-09-06Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 29: 31-30: 24

TITLE: Family Problems
THEME: The seeds of discord are sown and blossom but God sanctifies through it all.
1. God’s compassion
2. Family discord
3. God sanctifies


2020-08-30Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 16: 25-34

TITLE: The Jailer and his Family are Saved
THEME: Baptism is a reminder that our life is only ever found in Christ.
1. Self-evaluation
2. Desperation
3. Salvation


2020-08-23Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 5: 1- 6: 7

TITLE: The Trespass Offering
THEME: Christ is our complete propitiation before God.
1. Unintentional sins
2. Christ our all sufficient Savior


2020-08-16Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 6: 1-15

The Office of Deacon Instituted
THEME: Serving with the Word and deeds to manifest the Gospel.
1. The need for deacons
2. The role of deacons
3. The Gospel manifested by deacons


2020-08-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 2: 37-47

THEME: God includes our children in the covenant promises of grace.
1. Who is the promise for?
2. Who is to receive the sign?
3. How do we live out our Baptism?


2020-08-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 29: 1-30

You Reap what you Sow
THEME: God blesses Jacob even in discipline.
1. Love at first sight
2. The deceiver deceived
3. God’s continued grace


2020-07-26Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: 1 Peter 1: 18- 2: 3 & 3: 8-12

Text: Psalm 34
Theme: Taste and see that the Lord is good.
1. Getting a taste of his goodness
2/ Craving his goodness

2020-07-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 28: 1-22

God's Tower to Heaven
Theme: The only way to heaven is God's way.
1. The promise of Abraham
2. The tower to heaven

2020-07-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 27: 1- 28: 5

Jacob Steals the Blessing
Theme: God continues to work through the sin of Isaac and Jacob for His good purposes.
1. Sin
2. Providence
3. Blessings

2020-07-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 26

Isaac's sin, God's Care
Theme: Despite Isaac's sin, the Lord continues to bless him only because of His gracious promises.
1. Isaac's sin
2. God's faithfulness

2020-06-28Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 25: 27-34

Two Sinful Brothers
THEME: God uses sin to bring about His good purposes.
1. Two totally different brothers
2. Two sins
3. The Lord is working through it all


2020-06-21Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Ephesians 6: 4

THEME: We are called to instruct our children in likeness to our Heavenly Father, leading them to Jesus
1. Three warnings
2. Two instructions
3. One example


2020-06-14Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Numbers 12; Hebrews 3: 1-6

Fix your thoughts on Jesus, who is faithful
1. Jesus' faithfulness
2. Moses' faithfulness
3. Our faithfulness

2020-06-07Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 25: 19-26

A Tale of Two Sons
Theme: God answers Isaac's prayer and elects the line of promise.
1. Isaac's prayer
2. Sovereign Election

2020-05-31Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 2: 1-21

Fulfillment of Pentecost Prophecy
Theme: Pentecost is the day the Spirit is poured out, tribulations continue and salvation is spread.
1. The Spirit is poured out
2. Tribulations on the earth continue
3. Salvation is spread among the nations

2020-05-24Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Acts 1: 1-11

Title: Hallelujah! Christ reigns!
Theme: Christ’s ascension into heaven is of great comfort to us.
1.Christ’s ascension
2.Christ reigning
3.Christ’s Return

2020-03-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 46

Though the Earth Gives Way
Theme: We have nothing to fear for the God of Jacob is our refuge.
1. God has, is and will be our help
2. God is our constant supply of all good
3. God is covenantally faithful

2020-03-15Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 22: 1-19

The Ultimate Test
Theme: Abraham was asked to give up everything, but instead received infinitely more.
1. The test
2. The Gospel

2020-03-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 143 Lord's Day 48

May God rule in all our hearts along
Theme: We are to pray that the Lord would lead us in righteousness and destroy all the works of the devil.
1. Deliver me from my enemies
2. Teach me to do your will

2020-03-08Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 21: 8-34

Grace even in consequences
Theme: The Lord gives us grace even when we must face the consequences of our sin.
1. Consequences
2. Grace
3. Providence

2020-03-01Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Luke 15: 11-32 Lord's Day 33

Looking at the heart of repentance
1. Heartfelt sorrow
2. Heartfelt joy

2020-03-01Rev. Iwan Borst
Passage: Isaiah 42: 1-9; Matthew 3: 13-17

God the Father prepares his Son for ministry
1. The need for Jesus' baptism
2. The meaning of Jesus' baptism

2020-02-23Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 96 Lord's Day 47

The Chief Petition
Theme: We are to pray that we would know the Lord in His holiness and worship Him with all that e are in all of life.
1. Knowing the Lord
2. Glorifying the Lord

2020-02-23Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 21: 1-7

A Joyous Birth
Theme: In the miraculous birth of Isaac we see a foreshadowing of the birth of Christ.
1. Fulfillment of the promise
2. Foreshadowing of the ultimate fulfillment

2020-02-16Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 20

Deja vu
Theme: Abraham commits the same sin again, but the Lord remains faithful.
1. Abraham's sin
2. The Lord's protective providence

2020-02-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Leviticus 4: 1-35 Q&A 75 & 81

Christ the complete Sacrifice
Theme: The sacrifice of Christ atones even for the sins we do unintentionally and unknowingly.
1. Foreshadowing
2. Sufficiency

2020-02-09Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 19: 27-38

Christ in this?
Theme: The amazing grace of God is seen most clearly in the most depraved situations.
1. Sin
2. Grace
3. Providence

2020-02-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: John 17: 1-26 Lord's Day 46

Our Father
Theme: Since we are adopted in Christ we get to call God the Father, or Father.
1. Our privilege because of Christ
2. We get to pray like Christ

2020-02-02Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 19: 15-26

Run away and never look back!
Theme: We are called to run away from sin and run to Christ.
1. Flee from sin
2. Flee to Christ
3. Pursue righteousness

2020-01-26Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 145

Talking with the Almighty
Theme: It is a great privilege that we have to speak to our God and know He hears us.
1. To Whom are we praying?
2. What confidence should we have?
3. Why is it so good for us?

2020-01-26Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 19: 1-25

The Justice of God
Theme: God is that holy, and sin is that evil.
1. The evil of sin
2. The wrath of God

2020-01-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: James 4: 1-10 Lord's Day 44

Why do you do what you do?
Theme: The motivations of our hearts are supposed to be selfless love for God.
1.Hating all evil
2. Drawing near to God

2020-01-19Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 18: 16-33

The Righteousness and Justice of God
Theme: Our God is righteous and just in all that He does in giving mercy and punishment.
1. Friendship
2. Intercession
3. Justice

2020-01-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Romans 1: 7-12 Lord's Day 43

Mutual Encouragement
Theme: It should be out desire to encourage one another in and with Christ.
1. Put away all gossip
2. Put on Christ exalting encouragement

2020-01-12Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Genesis 18: 1-15

The Lord Visits
Theme: The Lord visits Abraham and Sarah to encourage them in the truth of His promises.
1. Jesus comes
2. Sarah laughs

2020-01-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-12 Lord's Day 42

Abounding in Love toward One Another
Theme: The will of God is our sanctification, part of which is loving one another with what we have.
!. The will of God
2. Abounding in love

2020-01-05Rev. James Roosma
Passage: Psalm 27

Seeking the Lord's Face
Theme: The Lord call us to seek His face and so let us do just that.
1. The Lord's call to seek His face
2. The response we must have

Comments ? jason@okanagan.net